**Fun** ======= **qr** ------ This command converts any text you type into a QR code, have fun messing around with it, wink wink. **Usage**: ``qr texthere`` **peepee** ---------- **Aliases: pp** Pretty self explanatory? uh, but since this is a *documentation*, I'll say it.... it basically gives you your pp size. **Usage**: ``pp @user*`` - \*Optional **trump** --------- Sends a random trump *quote* to make your day a little *better(?)* **Usage**: ``trump`` **trumpinsult** --------------- **Aliases: trins** Makes Trump insult you or your mate. **Usage**: ``trins @user*`` - \*Optional **chuck** --------- Oh ofcourse, who doesn't like a Chuck Norris joke? No, I'm kidding, but I added it cause *why not* **Usage**: ``chuck`` **savage** ---------- The ultimate..... insult command! Insult a friend or yourself using this command. **Usage**: ``savage @user*`` - \*Optional **vicky** --------- Some classic victorian insults just in bag for you, chief! **Usage**: ``vicky @user*`` - \*Optional **compliment** -------------- Lacking some self love or, wanted to compliment a friend? You should give this command a try. **Usage**: ``compliment @user*`` - \*Optional **pickup** ----------- Ay mate, this command is your chance to hit on that person you always wanted to hit on, but of course, indirectly, wink. **Usage**: ``pickup @user*`` - \*Optional **shitpost** ------------ Hah, bet you saw this coming, shitposting is a MUST, no matter what server you're in, Arston's got you with a loads of shitposts. **Usage**: ``shitpost @user*`` - \*Optional **cat** ------- Sends a random picture of a cat to brighten(?) your day up! **Usage**: ``cat`` **dog** ------- Sends in a cute picture of a dog from the internet! **Usage**: ``dog`` **urban** --------- Searches through Urban dictionary for a given word/name. **Usage**: ``urban wordhere*`` - \*Required **rockpaper** ------------- **Aliases: rps, rp** Play a classic rock paper scissors game with the bot. **Usage**: ``rp`` **meme** -------- Generates a meme with the picture or URL given. **Usage**: ``meme or or