**Moderation** ============== **kick** -------- Yeets a member out from the server, or in *better* words, kicks a member out. **Permissions required:** - Kick members **Usage:** ``kick @user reason*`` - \*Optional **ban** ------- Wave that ban hammer over anyone who's breaking rules or *if you just don't like them*. **Permissions required:** - Ban members **Usage:** ``ban @user reason*`` - \*Optional **setmodlog** ------------- **Aliases: setmod** Sets the logging channel of the server. **Permissions required:** - Manage Guild **Usage:** ``setmod #channel*`` - \* Required **setwelcomechannel** --------------------- **Aliases: setwc** Sets the welcome channel for new users. **Permissions required:** - Manage Guild **Usage:** ``setwc #channel*`` - \* Required **setannounce** -------------------------- Sets the announcement channel for the server. **Permissions required:** - Manage Guild **Usage:** ``setannounce #channel*`` - \* Required **announce** ------------ Make the bot send a server wide announcement in the announcement channel. - Command can be used in any channel **Permissions required:** - Manage Guild **Usage:** ``announce @everyone* hello there!`` - \* Optional **purge** --------- Purges messages from a channel. **Aliases: apoc, apocalypse** **Permissions required:** - Manage Messages **Usage:** ``purge limit*`` - \*Required