**Utility** ============ **translate** ------------- **Aliases: tr, tra** **Subcommands: start, help, lang** - start -> starts the translation - help -> Help regarding the translation[LANGUAGE CODES] - lang -> Languages supported Just like the name says, translate from a wide variety of languages to another languages. **Usage:** ``tr start langcode text to be translated`` **Example usage:** ``tr start en-de hello there`` ``tr start fr-en bonjour`` **emoji** --------- **Aliases: emo** Add any **custom emote** from other servers using this command. - **Requires Discord Nitro** **Usage:** ``emoji (*a custom pikachu emote here*)`` Bot: Choose a name for the emote User : pikapika Bot : Choose a format[PNG/GIF/JPG] User: PNG **song** -------- Gets information regarding a song a user is listening to, in Spotify, including a link to the song itself[Useful for Mobile users]. **Usage:** ``song @user`` **serverinfo** -------------- Gets information of the server. **Usage:** ``serverinfo`` **whois** --------- Gets details about a server member. **Usage:** ``whois @user*`` - \* Optional **bug** ------- Report a bug to the developers if you find one, so they can improvise the bot! **Usage:** ``bug reason*`` - \* Optional **changelog** ------------- Latest bot updates. **Usage:** ``changelog`` **invite** ---------- Invite Arston to your server. **Usage:** ``invite`` **contact** ----------- Get an invite to the bot's support server! **Usage:** ``contact`` **ping** -------- Get the bot's ping. **Usage:** ``ping``